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title description popularity
This is fine - Popular MemeThis is finePopular Meme10960 x 540
The IT Crowd - Office in the IT CrowdThe IT CrowdOffice in the IT Crowd102048 x 1280
The Office US - US Office background where Jim and others talk to cameraThe Office USUS Office background where Jim and others talk to camera101200 x 675
Breaking Bad - RV InteriorBreaking BadRV Interior101920 x 1080
Top Gun Maverick - F16 Cockpit seat viewTop Gun MaverickF16 Cockpit seat view101920 x 1080
Mandalorian - Baby Yoda looks onMandalorianBaby Yoda looks on102478 x 1394
Inside Out - Control room from the Pixar movie Inside OutInside OutControl room from the Pixar movie Inside Out101200 x 675
The Good Place - Everything is fine wallThe Good PlaceEverything is fine wall10680 x 453
Indiana Jones - Boulder chasing youIndiana JonesBoulder chasing you101920 x 1080
Pulp Fiction - Be part of the cast of Pulp FictionPulp FictionBe part of the cast of Pulp Fiction101920 x 1080
Distracted Girlfriend - Different take on popular MemeDistracted GirlfriendDifferent take on popular Meme101600 x 1066
Living Computers Museum 2 - Museum Computer Lab Digital VTLiving Computers Museum 2Museum Computer Lab Digital VT101800 x 1350
Fallout Game - Please Stand ByFallout GamePlease Stand By101920 x 1080
Bobs Burgers - Fast Food RestaurantBobs BurgersFast Food Restaurant101920 x 1080
Mario Kart - Computer generated racetrackMario KartComputer generated racetrack101920 x 1080
Distracted Boyfriend 2 - Popular MemeDistracted Boyfriend 2Popular Meme104500 x 3000
Mario Bros - Pipes and flags scene from the classic version of Mario Brothers gameMario BrosPipes and flags scene from the classic version of Mario Brothers game101200 x 675
Beavis and Butthead - Beavis and Butthead being IT WorkersBeavis and ButtheadBeavis and Butthead being IT Workers10690 x 332
Matrix 2 - Operators StationMatrix 2Operators Station101920 x 1080
Saturday Night Live (SNL) - Bands set by nightSaturday Night Live (SNL)Bands set by night101280 x 720
Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the RingLord of the RingsFellowship of the Ring102048 x 1152
Living Computers Museum 4 - Museum Computer Lab digital serverLiving Computers Museum 4Museum Computer Lab digital server101800 x 1350
John Wick - Hotel lobbyJohn WickHotel lobby101920 x 1080
Business class airplane seat - United Airlines Polaris Business classBusiness class airplane seatUnited Airlines Polaris Business class101920 x 1080
Living Computers Museum 3 - Museum Computer Lab deskLiving Computers Museum 3Museum Computer Lab desk101800 x 1350
DC Comics Gotham City - Gotham City comic book drawingDC Comics Gotham CityGotham City comic book drawing101200 x 675
Jurassic Park raptors - Raptors are looking for youJurassic Park raptorsRaptors are looking for you101920 x 1080
Living Computers Museum - Museum Computer LabLiving Computers MuseumMuseum Computer Lab101800 x 700
Modern Family - Living roomModern FamilyLiving room104096 x 2304
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest - AsylumOne Flew Over The Cuckoos NestAsylum101600 x 900
Bethesda video games - Skyrim video game landscapeBethesda video gamesSkyrim video game landscape101920 x 1080
Star Wars 18 - The Millennium Falcon 3Star Wars 18The Millennium Falcon 3101920 x 1080
Office Space - Getting grilled in a meetingOffice SpaceGetting grilled in a meeting101920 x 1080
House plants - Household background featuring plantsHouse plantsHousehold background featuring plants103375 x 3024
Sesame Street - Facing 123 Sesame StreetSesame StreetFacing 123 Sesame Street101920 x 1080
Simpsons 2 - Moes TavernSimpsons 2Moes Tavern101920 x 1080
Cray supercomputer - NCAR Archives of the CrayCray supercomputerNCAR Archives of the Cray92853 x 1892
The Office US 2 - US Office Michael Scotts officeThe Office US 2US Office Michael Scotts office91200 x 674
Simpsons - Living roomSimpsonsLiving room91920 x 1080
Cool living area - Solas from Dragon Age, Baby Yoda and Kermit drinking teaCool living areaSolas from Dragon Age, Baby Yoda and Kermit drinking tea9779 x 511
Peppa Pig - Colorful Childrens characterPeppa PigColorful Childrens character91280 x 720
Monty Python - The face of god in Monty Pythons Holy GrailMonty PythonThe face of god in Monty Pythons Holy Grail91400 x 840
Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild Computer generated landscapeLegend of ZeldaBreath of the Wild Computer generated landscape91920 x 1080
Star Trek Discovery - Hallway inside a spaceshipStar Trek DiscoveryHallway inside a spaceship94096 x 2730
John Wick 3 - Hotel seatingJohn Wick 3Hotel seating91920 x 1080
Inside Out 2 - Be beside the emotionsInside Out 2Be beside the emotions98000 x 4500
ET - Be ET in Elliots bike basketETBe ET in Elliots bike basket91920 x 1080
Game of Thrones - The ThroneGame of ThronesThe Throne91920 x 1080
Animal Crossing - Animal Crossing New HorizonsAnimal CrossingAnimal Crossing New Horizons91920 x 1080
Ru Pauls Drag Race - Show Set and entranceRu Pauls Drag RaceShow Set and entrance91730 x 992
Succession - Waystar Royco officeSuccessionWaystar Royco office91920 x 1080
Teletubbies - Sun with child in the Teletubbies childrens programTeletubbiesSun with child in the Teletubbies childrens program91024 x 614
Matrix - Agent Smith would like a wordMatrixAgent Smith would like a word91920 x 1080
Finding Nemo - Underwater home from the Pixar movie Finding NemoFinding NemoUnderwater home from the Pixar movie Finding Nemo91920 x 1080
Silence of the Lambs - Hannibals cellSilence of the LambsHannibals cell91920 x 1080
Oscars 2014 Selfie - Celebrity selfieOscars 2014 SelfieCelebrity selfie9660 x 373
Star Wars - Lots of StormtroopersStar WarsLots of Stormtroopers94032 x 3024
The Joker - Iconic Joker Stairs in the Bronx, New YorkThe JokerIconic Joker Stairs in the Bronx, New York9638 x 426
Minions - You can be with stupidMinionsYou can be with stupid98000 x 4500
Starbucks 4 - Hacienda Alsacia Visitor CenterStarbucks 4Hacienda Alsacia Visitor Center91920 x 1280
He Man - Snake MountainHe ManSnake Mountain91280 x 720
NCIS - CBS US TV DramaNCISCBS US TV Drama91920 x 1080
DC Comics Batcave - Batcave comic book drawingDC Comics BatcaveBatcave comic book drawing91200 x 675
Silicon Valley - Bare Lighbulb backgroundSilicon ValleyBare Lighbulb background91920 x 1080
John Wick 5 - Crystal skulls cabinetsJohn Wick 5Crystal skulls cabinets91920 x 1080
Star Wars 26 - Resistance Base 3Star Wars 26Resistance Base 391920 x 1080
Starbucks - Starbucks Community Store in JonesboroStarbucksStarbucks Community Store in Jonesboro91920 x 1280
Moon Surface - The surface of the moon and space landscapeMoon SurfaceThe surface of the moon and space landscape91200 x 675
The Shining - Bathroom from the horror movieThe ShiningBathroom from the horror movie91200 x 680
Mister Rogers Neighborhood - Main setMister Rogers NeighborhoodMain set91920 x 1080
Incredibles 2 - Deluxe Living areaIncredibles 2Deluxe Living area91200 x 675
Brave - Forest from the Disney Pixar movie BraveBraveForest from the Disney Pixar movie Brave91920 x 1080
John Wick 4 - SwitchboardJohn Wick 4Switchboard81920 x 1080
Family Guy - Childs BedroomFamily GuyChilds Bedroom81920 x 1080
Austin Powers - Laugh with Dr EvilAustin PowersLaugh with Dr Evil81920 x 1080
Monsters Inc - Halls of Monsters, Inc.Monsters IncHalls of Monsters, Inc.81920 x 1080
The Price Is Right - Wheel from the US Quiz TV showThe Price Is RightWheel from the US Quiz TV show81920 x 1080
30 Rock - Rockefeller Center30 RockRockefeller Center81280 x 720
Alien - Have a date with the AlienAlienHave a date with the Alien81920 x 1080
John Wick 6 - VaultJohn Wick 6Vault81920 x 1080
A Bugs Life - Garden view for an insect in Disney Pixar movie A Bugs LifeA Bugs LifeGarden view for an insect in Disney Pixar movie A Bugs Life81920 x 1080
Modern Family 2 - Living room 2Modern Family 2Living room 283000 x 1688
Moulin Rouge - Heart backgroundMoulin RougeHeart background81280 x 720
Seinfeld - Be part of the cast of SeinfeldSeinfeldBe part of the cast of Seinfeld81920 x 1080
Criminal Minds 2 - Indoor Police Department officeCriminal Minds 2Indoor Police Department office81920 x 1080
London - Big Ben - Big Ben and Houses of Parliament landscapeLondon - Big BenBig Ben and Houses of Parliament landscape81920 x 1080
DC Comics Batcave 2 - Batcave comic book drawingDC Comics Batcave 2Batcave comic book drawing81200 x 675
Parks and Recreation - Leslie Knops OfficeParks and RecreationLeslie Knops Office81280 x 720
BBC News bomb - Children crashing BBC News interviewBBC News bombChildren crashing BBC News interview81892 x 1056
Jurassic World 4 - Gates to Jurassic ParkJurassic World 4Gates to Jurassic Park81920 x 1080
Star Wars 12 - Imperial Star Destroyer BridgeStar Wars 12Imperial Star Destroyer Bridge81920 x 1080
Boeing 747 - Cockpit of a Boeing 747Boeing 747Cockpit of a Boeing 74781920 x 1080
Parks and Recreation 4 - Desk and trophy areaParks and Recreation 4Desk and trophy area81280 x 720
Jurassic World - Dinosaur VelociraptorJurassic WorldDinosaur Velociraptor8800 x 450
Criminal Minds - Indoor Police Department officeCriminal MindsIndoor Police Department office81920 x 1080
Cars 3 - Lightning McQueen on the racetrack from the movie CarsCars 3Lightning McQueen on the racetrack from the movie Cars81200 x 675
Mario Kart 2 - Computer generated inside garageMario Kart 2Computer generated inside garage81920 x 1080
Top Gun Maverick 3 - Cockpit seat view with mountainsTop Gun Maverick 3Cockpit seat view with mountains81920 x 1080
Parks and Recreation 3 - Main Open plan office areaParks and Recreation 3Main Open plan office area81280 x 720
Jurassic World 3 - Underwater dinosaurJurassic World 3Underwater dinosaur81920 x 1080
Holodeck - Star Trek HolodeckHolodeckStar Trek Holodeck81280 x 720
John Wick 2 - Sci fi roomJohn Wick 2Sci fi room81920 x 1080
Big Brother 4 - Kitchen and living areaBig Brother 4Kitchen and living area81920 x 1080
Star Wars 24 - Resistance BaseStar Wars 24Resistance Base81920 x 1080
Hearst castle - A dining and library room in the Hearst castle mansionHearst castleA dining and library room in the Hearst castle mansion8470 x 470
Parks and Recreation 2 - Rons OfficeParks and Recreation 2Rons Office81280 x 720
London - Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace during the dayLondon - Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace during the day81920 x 1080
The Shining 2 - Corridor from the Shining horror movieThe Shining 2Corridor from the Shining horror movie81200 x 635
The Addams Family - Kids Wednesday and Pugsley playing with a torture chairThe Addams FamilyKids Wednesday and Pugsley playing with a torture chair71200 x 675
Sharp Objects - Wallpaper backgroundSharp ObjectsWallpaper background71920 x 1080
Saturday Night Live (SNL) 2 - Bands set by daySaturday Night Live (SNL) 2Bands set by day71280 x 720
Toy Story - Andy's and the toys bedroom wallpaper and floorToy StoryAndy's and the toys bedroom wallpaper and floor71200 x 675
Nintendo Kirby - Computer generated forest landscapeNintendo KirbyComputer generated forest landscape71920 x 1080
Greys Anatomy - Bedroom and living areaGreys AnatomyBedroom and living area71024 x 576
Minecraft - Daytime minecraft landscape with trees and grassMinecraftDaytime minecraft landscape with trees and grass71200 x 620
Wall E - Inside a Spaceship in the Disney Pixar movie Wall EWall EInside a Spaceship in the Disney Pixar movie Wall E71920 x 1080
Bethesda video games 2 - Sci fi forest video game landscapeBethesda video games 2Sci fi forest video game landscape73788 x 2160
London - Tower Bridge and the Shard - Tower Bridge and the Shard during the dayLondon - Tower Bridge and the ShardTower Bridge and the Shard during the day71920 x 1080
Big Hero 6 - Baymax from Big Hero 6 movieBig Hero 6Baymax from Big Hero 6 movie78000 x 4500
Star Wars 19 - The Millennium Falcon 4Star Wars 19The Millennium Falcon 471920 x 1080
Are ya Winning - Are ya Winning SonAre ya WinningAre ya Winning Son71000 x 750
Minecraft 2 - Sunset across a minecraft landscapeMinecraft 2Sunset across a minecraft landscape7640 x 372
Coding Monkeys - Coding Jungle MonkeysCoding MonkeysCoding Jungle Monkeys71980 x 1080
John Wick 7 - Outdoor China town at night timeJohn Wick 7Outdoor China town at night time71920 x 1080
Schitts Creek - Rosebud MotelSchitts CreekRosebud Motel71920 x 1080
Lego Space - Benny in SpaceLego SpaceBenny in Space71920 x 1080
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver - Main Seat from the showLast Week Tonight With John OliverMain Seat from the show71920 x 1080
Star Wars 15 - LightspeedStar Wars 15Lightspeed71920 x 1080
Tangled - Princess Rapunzel from the Disney movieTangledPrincess Rapunzel from the Disney movie78000 x 4500
Avatar the Last Airbender - Firenation ClassroomAvatar the Last AirbenderFirenation Classroom71440 x 1080
Lego Pirate - Pirate and deserted islandLego PiratePirate and deserted island71920 x 1080
Frozen 2 - Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musicalFrozen 2Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musical71920 x 1080
Love Island USA - Outdoor sofaLove Island USAOutdoor sofa71920 x 1080
The Good Place 3 - Room with clown artworkThe Good Place 3Room with clown artwork7679 x 380
Sesame Street 4 - Cookie MonsterSesame Street 4Cookie Monster71920 x 1080
Magnum PI - US Detective TV ShowMagnum PIUS Detective TV Show71920 x 1080
NCIS New Orleans - Indoor Police Department officeNCIS New OrleansIndoor Police Department office71920 x 1080
Super Mario Odyssey - Computer generated citySuper Mario OdysseyComputer generated city71920 x 1080
Star Trek Picard - Inside a spaceshipStar Trek PicardInside a spaceship74096 x 2730
Longleat house - Very large and long roomLongleat houseVery large and long room71280 x 720
Survivor - US TV ShowSurvivorUS TV Show71920 x 1080
Top Gun Maverick 2 - Airport taxi waysTop Gun Maverick 2Airport taxi ways71920 x 1080
Ratatouille - Kitchen worktop from the Disney Pixar movie RatatouilleRatatouilleKitchen worktop from the Disney Pixar movie Ratatouille71920 x 1080
Golden Girls - The ladies from the popular US sitcomGolden GirlsThe ladies from the popular US sitcom71024 x 683
Sesame Street 2 - Hoopers shopSesame Street 2Hoopers shop61920 x 1080
Blockbuster Video - Inside a Blockbuster Video storeBlockbuster VideoInside a Blockbuster Video store61920 x 933
John Lennon - Scene from the Imagine music video without YokoJohn LennonScene from the Imagine music video without Yoko61019 x 571
Star Wars 16 - The Millennium FalconStar Wars 16The Millennium Falcon61920 x 1080
NASA - View of the Earth from the moonNASAView of the Earth from the moon61041 x 1041
Coco - Streets at nightime from the Disney Pixar movie CocoCocoStreets at nightime from the Disney Pixar movie Coco61920 x 1080
Pokemon Go - Computer generated backgroundPokemon GoComputer generated background61920 x 1080
Lego Architecture Paris - ParisLego Architecture ParisParis61920 x 1080
Modern Family 3 - Outside houseModern Family 3Outside house63000 x 1688
NCIS New Orleans 2 - Indoor Police Department officeNCIS New Orleans 2Indoor Police Department office61920 x 1080
Family Guy 2 - Living Room couchFamily Guy 2Living Room couch61920 x 1080
Starbucks 2 - Starbucks George Mason UniversityStarbucks 2Starbucks George Mason University61920 x 1280
Star Wars 25 - Resistance Base 2Star Wars 25Resistance Base 261920 x 1080
Star Wars 27 - Scarif Imperial VaultStar Wars 27Scarif Imperial Vault61920 x 1080
NCIS New Orleans 3 - Indoor Police Department officeNCIS New Orleans 3Indoor Police Department office61920 x 1080
Star Wars 5 - Death Star RuinsStar Wars 5Death Star Ruins61920 x 1080
DC Comics Superman - Daily Planet comic book drawingDC Comics SupermanDaily Planet comic book drawing61200 x 675
Star Wars 32 - Tatooine 2Star Wars 32Tatooine 261920 x 1080
Star Wars 13 - JakkuStar Wars 13Jakku61920 x 1080
Bobs Burgers 2 - Fast Food Restaurant with MenuBobs Burgers 2Fast Food Restaurant with Menu61920 x 1080
Toronto - Toronto skylineTorontoToronto skyline61280 x 720
Wedding Crashers - Cheering at a Wedding in Wedding CrashersWedding CrashersCheering at a Wedding in Wedding Crashers61200 x 675
Young Sheldon - Living roomYoung SheldonLiving room61920 x 1080
Casino Royale - Gun barrel from James Bond movieCasino RoyaleGun barrel from James Bond movie61280 x 720
Bethesda video games 3 - Sci fi space video game landscapeBethesda video games 3Sci fi space video game landscape63840 x 2160
Star Wars 28 - Snokes Star DestroyerStar Wars 28Snokes Star Destroyer61920 x 1080
The Ring - Samara from the Ring is paying you a visitThe RingSamara from the Ring is paying you a visit61920 x 1200
Outer Worlds - Outer worlds sci fi computer gameOuter WorldsOuter worlds sci fi computer game61920 x 1080
SGN - Some Good NewsSGNSome Good News61297 x 691
Xenoblade Chronicles - Computer generated landscapeXenoblade ChroniclesComputer generated landscape61920 x 1080
Sleeping beauty - Castle from the 1959 Disney classicSleeping beautyCastle from the 1959 Disney classic61166 x 504
DC Comics Arkham Asylum - Arkham Asylum comic book drawingDC Comics Arkham AsylumArkham Asylum comic book drawing61200 x 675
NCIS New Orleans 4 - Green Door entrance to Police Department officeNCIS New Orleans 4Green Door entrance to Police Department office61920 x 1080
Star Wars 11 - Hoth 3Star Wars 11Hoth 361920 x 1080
Lego Dino - Small Dinosaur in the sandLego DinoSmall Dinosaur in the sand61920 x 1080
DC Comics Batcave 3 - Batcave comic book drawingDC Comics Batcave 3Batcave comic book drawing61200 x 675
Emperors New Groove - No Touchy from the Disney movieEmperors New GrooveNo Touchy from the Disney movie58000 x 4500
Star Fox - Computer generated inside spaceshipStar FoxComputer generated inside spaceship51920 x 1080
The Good Place 4 - Outdoor village areaThe Good Place 4Outdoor village area5679 x 380
Avenue 5 - Spaceship in spaceAvenue 5Spaceship in space51920 x 1080
Why Women Kill - StaircaseWhy Women KillStaircase54096 x 2730
Sisyphus - Sisyphus from Greek mythologySisyphusSisyphus from Greek mythology51000 x 600
Magnum PI 3 - Beach LandscapeMagnum PI 3Beach Landscape51920 x 1080
Up! - Armchairs and main living room from the Pixar movie Up!Up!Armchairs and main living room from the Pixar movie Up!51200 x 675
The Bold Type 2 - Clothes racksThe Bold Type 2Clothes racks51920 x 1080
Ru Pauls Drag Race 3 - Main stageRu Pauls Drag Race 3Main stage52110 x 1178
Mario World - How Mario World might look in real lifeMario WorldHow Mario World might look in real life51080 x 1350
Star Wars 21 - Rebel BaseStar Wars 21Rebel Base51920 x 1080
Longleat house 2 - State dining roomLongleat house 2State dining room51280 x 720
Lego Museum - Museum with Lego DinosaursLego MuseumMuseum with Lego Dinosaurs51920 x 1080
Home library - Llibrary of retired Humanities professor Richard A. MackseyHome libraryLlibrary of retired Humanities professor Richard A. Macksey51200 x 810
London - Tower Bridge - Tower Bridge during the dayLondon - Tower BridgeTower Bridge during the day51920 x 1080
The Good Fight - OfficeThe Good FightOffice54096 x 2730
Star Wars 22 - Rebel Base 2Star Wars 22Rebel Base 251920 x 1080
Star Wars 9 - HothStar Wars 9Hoth51920 x 1080
Big Brother 2 - BedroomBig Brother 2Bedroom51920 x 1080
Fire Emblem 3 - Computer generated landscapeFire Emblem 3Computer generated landscape51920 x 1080
Trump - Trump RallyTrumpTrump Rally52732 x 1744
Star Wars 23 - Rebel Base 3Star Wars 23Rebel Base 351920 x 1080
Luigis Mansion - Computer generated inside Luigis MansionLuigis MansionComputer generated inside Luigis Mansion51920 x 1080
Love Island USA 2 - Outdoor seating nighttimeLove Island USA 2Outdoor seating nighttime51920 x 1080
Star Wars 17 - The Millennium Falcon 2Star Wars 17The Millennium Falcon 251920 x 1080
The Twilight Zone 2 - Indoor sci fi scene with octopus tentaclesThe Twilight Zone 2Indoor sci fi scene with octopus tentacles51200 x 675
Lego Prison Break - Police chase escaping criminals by seaLego Prison BreakPolice chase escaping criminals by sea51920 x 1080
Westworld 2 - Indoor robotic machinesWestworld 2Indoor robotic machines51920 x 1080
Tiger - Tiger prowlingTigerTiger prowling51280 x 720
Love Island USA 4 - Outdoor area nighttimeLove Island USA 4Outdoor area nighttime51920 x 1080
Star Wars 29 - StarfieldStar Wars 29Starfield51920 x 1080
Star Wars 10 - Hoth 2Star Wars 10Hoth 251920 x 1080
Sponge Bob - Sponge Bob Living RoomSponge BobSponge Bob Living Room51919 x 950
Mr T - Mr T from the A TeamMr TMr T from the A Team51921 x 1080
Harry Potter 12 - The Room of RequirementHarry Potter 12The Room of Requirement51920 x 1080
DC Comics Gotham City 2 - Gotham City comic book drawingDC Comics Gotham City 2Gotham City comic book drawing41200 x 675
Parasite 2 - Poor Family Humble bathroomParasite 2Poor Family Humble bathroom41334 x 750
London - Sunset - London sunset viewLondon - SunsetLondon sunset view41920 x 1080
Mom - KitchenMomKitchen41920 x 1080
Modern Family 4 - Mantlepiece with family pictureModern Family 4Mantlepiece with family picture42100 x 1181
Sesame Street 3 - GardenSesame Street 3Garden41920 x 1080
Schitts Creek 2 - Bobs GarageSchitts Creek 2Bobs Garage41920 x 1080
Sleeping Beauty 2 - Forest from the 1959 Disney classicSleeping Beauty 2Forest from the 1959 Disney classic4800 x 344
Saturday Night Live (SNL) 4 - Studio 8H entranceSaturday Night Live (SNL) 4Studio 8H entrance41280 x 720
Parasite 3 - Inside of the houseParasite 3Inside of the house41334 x 648
Terasaki Institute - Modern office areaTerasaki InstituteModern office area41920 x 1080
The Twilight Zone - Landscape city scene from the TV showThe Twilight ZoneLandscape city scene from the TV show41200 x 675
Pokemon Go 3 - Computer generated forest backgroundPokemon Go 3Computer generated forest background41280 x 720
Lego Jungle - Various lego animals in a jungle settingLego JungleVarious lego animals in a jungle setting41920 x 1080
Westworld - Green grass landscape with horses and mountainsWestworldGreen grass landscape with horses and mountains41920 x 1080
London - Canary Wharf - Canary Wharf sunsetLondon - Canary WharfCanary Wharf sunset41920 x 1080
Star Wars 3 - CoruscantStar Wars 3Coruscant41920 x 1080
Ancestors - Rainforest computer game landscapeAncestorsRainforest computer game landscape41920 x 1080
Big Brother 3 - Swimming pool and canoesBig Brother 3Swimming pool and canoes41920 x 1080
Moulin Rouge 2 - Stage setMoulin Rouge 2Stage set41280 x 720
Jurassic World 2 - Dinosaur head close upJurassic World 2Dinosaur head close up41920 x 1080
Community - Sit with Troy and AbedCommunitySit with Troy and Abed41920 x 1088
Hocus Pocus 2 - Halloween theme, Moon and Night landscapeHocus Pocus 2Halloween theme, Moon and Night landscape41200 x 675
The Conners - Couch and main living roomThe ConnersCouch and main living room41600 x 900
The Good Place 2 - PalaceThe Good Place 2Palace4679 x 379
Survivor 2 - US TV ShowSurvivor 2US TV Show41920 x 1080
Star Wars 14 - Kylo Rens Star DestroyerStar Wars 14Kylo Rens Star Destroyer41920 x 1080
Saturday Night Live (SNL) 3 - Main corridor with pictures of starsSaturday Night Live (SNL) 3Main corridor with pictures of stars41280 x 720
Big Brother - Main living area and couchesBig BrotherMain living area and couches41920 x 1080
Star Wars 8 - Emperors Throne on ExegolStar Wars 8Emperors Throne on Exegol41920 x 1080
Mom 3 - Living roomMom 3Living room41920 x 1080
Star Wars 2 - Cloud CityStar Wars 2Cloud City41920 x 1080
Star Wars 31 - TatooineStar Wars 31Tatooine41920 x 1080
Animal Crossing 2 - Splash screen scene from the popular computer gameAnimal Crossing 2Splash screen scene from the popular computer game41920 x 1080
London - River Thames - River Thames at nightLondon - River ThamesRiver Thames at night41920 x 1080
Mom 4 - RestaurantMom 4Restaurant41920 x 1080
Lego Architecture Tokyo - TokyoLego Architecture TokyoTokyo31920 x 1080
Jack Ryan - US Army Helicopters in war zoneJack RyanUS Army Helicopters in war zone31920 x 1080
Ron Swanson - Solid background with Ron SwansonRon SwansonSolid background with Ron Swanson32000 x 1000
Star Wars - Asteroid FieldStar WarsAsteroid Field31920 x 1080
Harry Potter 7 - Hogwarts portrait wall, Universal Studios HollywoodHarry Potter 7Hogwarts portrait wall, Universal Studios Hollywood31920 x 1080
NASA 3 - Mars exploration roverNASA 3Mars exploration rover32980 x 1778
Wii menu - Nintendo Wii Home Screen BackgroundWii menuNintendo Wii Home Screen Background31024 x 554
Kerbal Space Program 2 - Kerbal sci fi computer game landscapeKerbal Space Program 2Kerbal sci fi computer game landscape31920 x 1080
Pokemon Go 4 - Computer generated background with PokemonPokemon Go 4Computer generated background with Pokemon31280 x 720
Star Wars 33 - Naboo from Attack of the ClonesStar Wars 33Naboo from Attack of the Clones31200 x 510
Young Sheldon 4 - BedroomYoung Sheldon 4Bedroom31920 x 1080
Star Wars 30 - Starkiller BaseStar Wars 30Starkiller Base31920 x 1080
Starbucks 7 - Starbucks ChicagoStarbucks 7Starbucks Chicago31920 x 1280
Young Sheldon 2 - Class roomYoung Sheldon 2Class room31920 x 1080
Parasite - Inside of the posh mansionParasiteInside of the posh mansion31334 x 648
Star Wars 6 - Death Star Ruins 2Star Wars 6Death Star Ruins 231920 x 1080
Lego Duplo 2 - Lego Duplo TrainLego Duplo 2Lego Duplo Train31147 x 778
Star Wars 20 - PasaanaStar Wars 20Pasaana31920 x 1080
Parasite 5 - Rich house outside viewParasite 5Rich house outside view31334 x 721
Star Wars 4 - Death Star View from Control RoomStar Wars 4Death Star View from Control Room31920 x 1080
Insecure - Outdoor DunesInsecureOutdoor Dunes31920 x 1080
Gamestop - Inside a Gamestop storeGamestopInside a Gamestop store31600 x 1200
Star Wars 7 - Death Star Ruins 3Star Wars 7Death Star Ruins 331920 x 1080
Harry Potter 13 - Potions ClassHarry Potter 13Potions Class31920 x 1080
Royal Ascot 2 - Horse Racing StadiumRoyal Ascot 2Horse Racing Stadium32500 x 1667
The Amazing Race 2 - Green forest landscapeThe Amazing Race 2Green forest landscape31920 x 1080
Frozen 4 - Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musicalFrozen 4Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musical31200 x 675
DC Comics Superman 3 - Fortress of Solitude comic book drawingDC Comics Superman 3Fortress of Solitude comic book drawing31200 x 675
Harry Potter 5 - Ollivanders wands, Universal Studios HollywoodHarry Potter 5Ollivanders wands, Universal Studios Hollywood31920 x 1080
Mom 2 - BarMom 2Bar31920 x 1080
Nintendo Labo - Sea, seagulls and lighthouse from Nintendo LaboNintendo LaboSea, seagulls and lighthouse from Nintendo Labo31920 x 1080
Cat and explosion - Cat walking away from explosion or eruptionCat and explosionCat walking away from explosion or eruption31080 x 1269
Lego Duplo 3 - Lego Duplo SafariLego Duplo 3Lego Duplo Safari31145 x 776
Schitts Creek 3 - River and green landscapeSchitts Creek 3River and green landscape31920 x 1080
Harry Potter 1 - Diagon Alley, Universal Orlando ResortHarry Potter 1Diagon Alley, Universal Orlando Resort31920 x 1080
Ru Pauls Drag Race 4 - Seating areaRu Pauls Drag Race 4Seating area31994 x 1108
DC Comics Superman 2 - Daily Planet comic book drawingDC Comics Superman 2Daily Planet comic book drawing21200 x 675
Distracted boyfriend - Popular MemeDistracted boyfriendPopular Meme21200 x 800
Car Wars - Steve Jackson games car with gunsCar WarsSteve Jackson games car with guns21920 x 1080
Nintendo Kirby 2 - Computer generated night time landscapeNintendo Kirby 2Computer generated night time landscape21920 x 1080
Bless The Harts 2 - BarBless The Harts 2Bar21920 x 1080
Lego Duplo - Lego Duplo ZooLego DuploLego Duplo Zoo22732 x 2048
Greys Anatomy 2 - Kitchen areaGreys Anatomy 2Kitchen area21024 x 576
Royal Ascot - Horse Racing Finish LineRoyal AscotHorse Racing Finish Line22500 x 1666
Luigis Mansion 2 - Computer generated lots of screensLuigis Mansion 2Computer generated lots of screens21920 x 1080
The Addams Family Values - Gomez and Pubert from the Addams Family sequelThe Addams Family ValuesGomez and Pubert from the Addams Family sequel21200 x 675
Young Sheldon 3 - Comic book storeYoung Sheldon 3Comic book store21920 x 1080
Ru Pauls Drag Race 2 - Show Set with tables and chairsRu Pauls Drag Race 2Show Set with tables and chairs21740 x 942
The Bold Type 3 - Racks of shoesThe Bold Type 3Racks of shoes21920 x 1080
Four Seasons Landscaping - Press conference at the Four Seasons Total LandscapingFour Seasons LandscapingPress conference at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping2720 x 405
Pokemon Go 2 - Computer generated background with PokemonPokemon Go 2Computer generated background with Pokemon21280 x 720
Lion King - I am surrounded by idiots captionLion KingI am surrounded by idiots caption28000 x 4500
Love Island USA 3 - Outdoor area daytimeLove Island USA 3Outdoor area daytime21920 x 1080
Athens Thessaloniki Tunnel - 3D tunnel backgroundAthens Thessaloniki Tunnel3D tunnel background21920 x 1080
Parasite 4 - Rich young childs bedroomParasite 4Rich young childs bedroom21334 x 648
The Amazing Race - Balloons and sky landscapeThe Amazing RaceBalloons and sky landscape21920 x 1080
Harry Potter 4 - Hogsmeade, Universal Studios JapanHarry Potter 4Hogsmeade, Universal Studios Japan21920 x 1080
The Duncanville - Living RoomThe DuncanvilleLiving Room21920 x 1080
Harry Potter 10 - Hufflepuff PrideHarry Potter 10Hufflepuff Pride21920 x 1080
Harry Potter 11 - Ravenclaw PrideHarry Potter 11Ravenclaw Pride21920 x 1080
Disney Cruise Ship - Cruise ship docked with blue sky and seaDisney Cruise ShipCruise ship docked with blue sky and sea21000 x 563
Hocus Pocus - Halloween theme, Witches around a cauldronHocus PocusHalloween theme, Witches around a cauldron21200 x 675
Royal Ascot 4 - Horse Racing after the raceRoyal Ascot 4Horse Racing after the race22500 x 1685
Frozen 3 - Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musicalFrozen 3Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musical21200 x 675
Time Bandits - Return the MapTime BanditsReturn the Map21366 x 768
Royal Ascot 3 - Horse Racing In ActionRoyal Ascot 3Horse Racing In Action22500 x 1667
Euphoria - Night time fairgroundEuphoriaNight time fairground21920 x 1080
Magnum PI 2 - Bright Landscape with Sea and Mountains Magnum PI 2Bright Landscape with Sea and Mountains 21920 x 1080
Nintendo Labo 2 - Underwater sceneNintendo Labo 2Underwater scene21920 x 1080
The Bold Type - Clothes racksThe Bold TypeClothes racks21920 x 1080
Frozen - Ice landscape from the Frozen Broadway musicalFrozenIce landscape from the Frozen Broadway musical21200 x 675
Washington Athletics 2 - View of inside an empty stadium at nightWashington Athletics 2View of inside an empty stadium at night21920 x 1080
The Duncanville 2 - KitchenThe Duncanville 2Kitchen11920 x 1080
Galapagos 5 - Galapagos LanchaGalapagos 5Galapagos Lancha11280 x 720
The Good Dinosaur - Volcanic mountains from the Disney Pixar movie The Good DinosaurThe Good DinosaurVolcanic mountains from the Disney Pixar movie The Good Dinosaur11920 x 1080
Harry Potter 3 - Lit-up Hogwarts, Universal Orlando ResortHarry Potter 3Lit-up Hogwarts, Universal Orlando Resort11920 x 1080
Spiderman - Pandemic inspired when everyday feels the sameSpidermanPandemic inspired when everyday feels the same1828 x 735
The Bold Type 4 - Wall of magazine coversThe Bold Type 4Wall of magazine covers11920 x 1080
Starbucks 3 - Hacienda Alsacia in Costa RicaStarbucks 3Hacienda Alsacia in Costa Rica11920 x 1280
Lioness - Lioness with tongue out at Longleat ZooLionessLioness with tongue out at Longleat Zoo11280 x 720
Bless The Harts - Outdoor landscapeBless The HartsOutdoor landscape11920 x 1080
Lioness 2 - Lioness growlingLioness 2Lioness growling11280 x 720
Indonesia 1 - Buddha statueIndonesia 1Buddha statue11024 x 576
Starbucks 5 - Starbucks SeattleStarbucks 5Starbucks Seattle11920 x 1280
Harry Potter 9 - Slytherin PrideHarry Potter 9Slytherin Pride11920 x 1080
Smithsonian Gardens 2 - Harbour Court in Newport, RISmithsonian Gardens 2Harbour Court in Newport, RI11920 x 1080
Indonesia 2 - Landscape picture of mountains and sea in IndonesiaIndonesia 2Landscape picture of mountains and sea in Indonesia11920 x 1080
The Amazing Race 3 - China backdropThe Amazing Race 3China backdrop11920 x 1080
Tennessee - Waterfall at Lake State Park in TennesseeTennesseeWaterfall at Lake State Park in Tennessee18000 x 4500
NASA 2 - Keyhole in the Carina NebulaNASA 2Keyhole in the Carina Nebula12752 x 1774
Harry Potter 2 - Hogsmeade at sunset, Universal Orlando ResortHarry Potter 2Hogsmeade at sunset, Universal Orlando Resort11920 x 1080
Washington Athletics - Overhead of stadium and cityWashington AthleticsOverhead of stadium and city11920 x 1080
Disney themed Eiffel Tower - Disney themed picture of the Eiffel Tower in ParisDisney themed Eiffel TowerDisney themed picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris11000 x 563
Harry Potter 14 - Platform Nine and 3 QuartersHarry Potter 14Platform Nine and 3 Quarters11920 x 1080
Smithsonian Gardens 1 - Spring Flowers Blooming on the Parterre in the Enid A. Haupt GardenSmithsonian Gardens 1Spring Flowers Blooming on the Parterre in the Enid A. Haupt Garden11920 x 1080
Galapagos 4 - Lava LizardGalapagos 4Lava Lizard11280 x 720
Harry Potter 8 - Gryffindor PrideHarry Potter 8Gryffindor Pride11920 x 1080
Starbucks 6 - Starbucks MilanStarbucks 6Starbucks Milan11920 x 1280
Harry Potter 15 - Hagrids HutHarry Potter 15Hagrids Hut11920 x 1080
Smithsonian Gardens 6 - Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)Smithsonian Gardens 6Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)11920 x 1080
Spaceman meme - Popular meme, Astronaut with a gunSpaceman memePopular meme, Astronaut with a gun1728 x 397
Harry Potter 6 - Hogwarts Express, Universal Studios HollywoodHarry Potter 6Hogwarts Express, Universal Studios Hollywood11920 x 1080
Galapagos 1 - Fernandina CraterGalapagos 1Fernandina Crater11280 x 720
Disney Epcot - Epcot theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, FloridaDisney EpcotEpcot theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida11000 x 563
Galapagos 2 - Pinzon TortoiseGalapagos 2Pinzon Tortoise11280 x 720
Bat girl - Orange background featuring Bat girlBat girlOrange background featuring Bat girl11920 x 1080
Smithsonian Gardens 3 - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on Parsley in the Pollinator GardenSmithsonian Gardens 3Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on Parsley in the Pollinator Garden11920 x 1080
Galapagos 3 - South Plazas IslandGalapagos 3South Plazas Island11280 x 720
Disney Pixar Pier - Pixar Pier themed lands at Disney California AdventureDisney Pixar PierPixar Pier themed lands at Disney California Adventure01024 x 576
Smithsonian Gardens 5 - A Rainbow of Flowers found across Smithsonian GardensSmithsonian Gardens 5A Rainbow of Flowers found across Smithsonian Gardens01920 x 1080
Disneyland Castle - Disneyland Castle during the day with blue skyDisneyland CastleDisneyland Castle during the day with blue sky01000 x 563
Smithsonian Gardens 4 - Summer Annuals in the Smithsonian Gardens GreenhousesSmithsonian Gardens 4Summer Annuals in the Smithsonian Gardens Greenhouses01920 x 1080
Disney Star Wars - Millenium Falcon at DisneylandDisney Star WarsMillenium Falcon at Disneyland01000 x 563


Various backgrounds from popular movies


Popular television programmes from around the world


Real animal backdrops


Landscapes from sci fi computer games


About Room for Zoom

Room For Zoom is a huge free collection of the best virtual Zoom backgrounds for use in Zoom, Microsoft Teams and other online meeting apps.

Why have co-workers critique your living area when instead you can have fun with a distracted boyfriend or girlfriend background, “this is fine” house on fire, relax with an inspirational landscape or beach background or highlight your favorite TV show such as Breaking Bad, the Good Place or Suits. There are popular backgrounds free to download from Batman and Gotham City, Star Wars, Top Gun, Pokemon Go, Sesame Street and more being added all the time. You can even pretend you are not using a background and hide clutter with a cool living area or a wall of books.

Our backgrounds are split into categories with previews and popularity gauges to help you find a great background to download quickly.

Not only do virtual backgrounds lighten up meetings which helps reduce meeting fatigue, they also help add a level of privacy when you are inviting people into your home.

With recent events, virtual meetings have taken off in a huge way especially with Zoom due to its ease of use. However other apps have been quick to make it easier to change your virtual background including Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype and Cisco Webex.

Having problems adding a background? Our guides will help. With Zoom the most common issues are either your Zoom software needs updated or the device isn’t up to it yet. Microsoft Teams has had virtual backgrounds for a long time however they were hard to add until recently. We will show you where to copy your backgrounds to have them appear in Microsoft Teams if you are using an older version. Skype and Google Meet also have virtual background options and we describe how to use these also.

We also list the image resolution of the cool image backgrounds. Zoom recommends an image background of 1920 x 1080 as this has a 16:9 aspect ratio. Seeing black bars beside your background image? It is probably because you are using a background image with a different aspect ratio.

A green screen, also known as a Chroma Key, is recommended by Zoom and there is an option to tell Zoom you are using a green screen however Microsoft Teams say they do not need this for their software.

A chroma key is a technique used in film, video and still photography and refers to having a solid consistent color that can be easy to identify by software so it can be replaced with a background image. The color does not have to be green (blue screens are common). It should ideally only be a color that is not likely to appear anywhere else (so if you want to wear a green T-shirt, maybe get a blue chroma key screen). A setting needs to be changed within Zoom to tell it you are using a green screen. Note that there have been complaints in relation to Zoom that the face-detection algorithm erases the faces of people of color.

Room for Zoom will keep getting updated with the best images, tips and ideas for your meetings so keep checking our website.

Do you know of a cool meeting background image? Use our submit form on our website to tell us about it. You can also find us on Facebook ( and Twitter (

Virtual Background Tips

What is the best size background to use? Zoom recommends backgrounds with dimensions of 1920px by 1080px. This is a 16:9 aspect ratio. If you use an image with a different aspect ratio, you may see black bars beside the background image

Need to leave the room for a moment?
Just cover over the webcam. It will allow viewers to continue enjoying your background.

Make lots of calls?
Consider having a green screen behind you. It will really help the software. Or if you like to wear green sometimes or have green eyes, perhaps one with a blue screen as an option.

Before a meeting, try a test run. It will help you see if you are clashing with your background at all (e.g. the color of clothing or green eyes).

Dark hair and dark chair? It may mean that the chair may move in and out of frame at different times. You can help the software by placing something of a different solid color over the back of your chair, giving the software a better chance at differentiating between you and the chair. If you have dark hair you might stand out better with a light background (and vice versa).

Submit a Zoom / Teams virtual background or video


This website has no affiliation with Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Please let us know if any content was not intended to be made freely available in this way. This website comes without warranty of any kind.